2011年4月2日 星期六

Health insurance premiums for the elderly to increase under reform

Health care reform bills passed by the committees in the House of representatives and the Senate have significant differences. These fluctuations will have to be removed before the Bill is submitted to both Chambers in Congress. In General, bill House is more comprehensive and allows for greater involvement of the public in providing Americans with health insurance. Interest groups are ardent for benefit of MATERIALS (BOM), which undoubtedly will see budget cuts before general voting. Unfortunately, older Americans seem to be in both BILLS, owing to the proposed regulations, insurance that will allow insurance companies to higher rates on the basis of age. Many baby boomers are in a precarious age group: too young Medicare, disproportionately suffering exemptions in this terrible economy (and therefore the loss of their employer's insurance) and often having pre-existing conditions, which may prevent them from purchasing individual health insurance at all. Still that version of the health care reform passes will be Great consequences for older people.

Now insurance companies are not limited in how much charge the elderly in insurance policies. In this regard or bill reform can be considered an improvement. Insurers would be acceptable, a factor of 2-for-1 rates of health insurance for the account, which shall be communicated to the education and labor and ways of committees in the House. This means that you may be charged to the person-age up to twice as much as a person younger in similar health. Bill the Senate Finance and health committees would allow insurance companies to charge up to four times as much to insure older people. Lobbyists for the insurance industry argues that even looser regulations will hurt Senate their profit margins and increase the premium by the Council. Trade Group health insurance plans of America is to promote the rate of 5-to-1, and some research that backs up. These Experts claim that insurers may justify the levying of charges for the older, higher risk patients up to seven times as much as Younger patients, the higher the risk. On average, older people tend to use more health care services, get sick more often and are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions.

Even if you work for an employer that offers health insurance, the average age of persons will continue to pay higher rates of health insurance. Estimates vary, but anywhere from 40% to 83% of Americans in the private sector jobs work in small businesses. Undertakings employing most of the older workers can pay 10-20% more to provide health insurance, passing costs on to their employees. This is often; insurers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield recognized that claim to increase medical by a maximum of 2% for each year of the older a person gets. Because private insurers prefer to pay in several claims as possible, in connection with the higher average age (mid-40s or older) are less attractive markets. The problem compounds for small undertakings, in accordance with the NDP. Unlike larger companies, companies with less than 1000 employees do not have sufficient historical claim data available to insurance companies just judgment. Age (and gender) are the factors affecting insurance premiums as a result. House and Senate BILLS to resolve this problem.

Why does seem to be Agreement on allowing Congressional age discrimination in the market for health insurance? One of the main priorities for this Administration to expand health care coverage to as many Americans as possible. In spite of these defects in acquiring insurance only 12,5% aged 55-64 age group lack health insurance. Although this is a significant figure, pales in comparison to 30% in the age of 19 to 24 who are uninsured. Putting too much burden on young adults could make them even less likely to Buy health insurance students. On the other hand, more people-age have family and household to support; If the contribution becomes too high, may be reduced for other necessities. Even if older people significantly more for health insurance is touted as an unfortunate side effect of insuring more Americans, Congressional Budget Office found that the Centre of the House (with more stringent provisions concerning age discrimination on the market) has the potential to insure 97% of the countryversus 94%, which could be covered by the Senate plan.

There are many changes ahead for health care reform; Both chambers of Congress need to connect their accounts into one, which will be presented to the whole House and the Senate. Without a doubt that it will be a debate and changes when you tons of time comes. Democratic Senator John Kerry is one congressperson against those provisions; It was quoted in the Miami Herald stating that "allowing insurers charge older Americans significantly higher premiums ' a" AAwhen they are equally healthya "aa" simply because of their age is discrimination pure and simple ". As expected, a group of grassroots senior challenge those measures and plans to lobby against them. Regardless of what happens to the baby boomers is unwise for the decline in their health insurance. Contributions may or may not be reduced for older Americans, but suffering serious medical catastrophe while uninsured can cost even more.

Yamileth Medina is an expert on the sector health insurance . She strives for a balanced facts about health care reform and other issues in a way that is readily understandable. Yamileth lives in Miami, Florida.

