2011年4月7日 星期四

What is the original Medicare?

There are a lot of confusion about what is original Medicare. Changes and additions over the past ten years, so important, you can understand what is the original Medicare is. There is now a television explaining that continue to receive all original Medicare benefits for Medicare. Although there are changes in Medicare benefits, which will affect tens of millions of people on these plans, the changes will not have the benefit of less than original Medicare.

Medicare is originally consists of two parts named part a and part b. part a, is automatic when an American candidate, in General, at the age of 65. Part a is for hospitals and does not cost any more per month. It includes all stay hospital after deductible is met. After deduction of the covers 100% of the costs over the next 60 days. After 60 days there is a Dollar per day amount up to 90 days. After this the patient Medicare is another 60 days the period of the existence of reserves in the hospital. This range is very good, and all Medicare recipients to obtain this benefit.

The second part of the main is visits a physician and part b. part b generally has a deductible and then covers 80% of Your physician. (B) the part is not required and you will not get it automatically because the additional costs of each month. The price varies each year, but typically is around $ 75-$ 100 dollars per month to cover (b) part. The majority of Medicare recipients have the fee deducted from their social security Check automatically.

This is it. This is the original Medicare and all the benefits that customers expect. Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans are designed to add to these benefits. Traditional Medicare supplements are designed to pay for deductibles and co-insurances, when you receive care, you don't have to pay anything. There is generally an additional monthly costs for the Appendix, however. Plans for Medicare Advantage HMO plans are generally where you need to go to doctors within the network, but much less and benefits drug prescription copayments and in addition to original Medicare.

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