2011年3月19日 星期六

Before you can become a victim of fraud Medicare stop

Every year, millions of dollars are taken from the Medicare program by deceptive practices. Medicare fraud hurts not only the program as a whole, but anyone who receives a benefit to Medicare. Quick guide below reveals how Medicare fraud takes place, why does you can as the final beneficiary and what can I do to prevent it.

What is Medicare fraud?

Medicare fraud occurs when a false declarations are made on behalf of the beneficial owner. For example, visit the individual physician or clinic. They ask Medicare cards and allow a certain amount, but then bill Medicare for more than this amount. They pocket the difference. Another type of Medicare fraud is when someone bills Medicare for services or equipment, which never received or items different from what you received. The person meeting the unfair, they may also use other Medicare card to obtain medical services or to purchase equipment. Or, someone may ask a Home Medical equipment, but continue to bill Medicare for the device. Variations in Medicare fraud, but these are the most common.

Why should you care?

Ask, "Why should I care if someone else commits a fraud Medicare?" There are two main reasons why you should join the fight against fraud Medicare. One of the co-pay costs Medicare will increase little by little because of the money lost as a result of fraud. Like in the store can increase prices to cover the loss, theft, Medicare costs will increase for all after the occurrence of fraud. Two, you or Your may be the next victim to. If frequent emergency room, pharmacy or doctor's office, then you are liable to become victim to Medicare fraud. Someone can steal Medicare card, or you may encounter in respect of unfair person working in the Office of a doctor or pharmacist. In any case, the burden of proof falls on You, because Medicare card and billing information will be on behalf of the user.

Medicare fraud detection

Detection of Medicare fraud is easy If you keep the eye of suspicious activities. Be wary of providers that offer service for "free" when already given them Medicare card. Also, if the supplier offers to waive Your refund service routinely without checking to see if Your financial situation has improved, it should be normally this practice. Other "red flag" which include pressure selling for higher prices of services receiving Medicare for services you did not receive, the so-called "free" consultation for Medicare patients, the marketing tactics used by the supplier such as telemarketing, and charges for care services, which are to be covered by Medicare to 100 percent.

Do not falsely Accuse

If you suspect that the supplier is committed Medicare fraud, double check with your vendor to make sure it is not a simple mistake for the first time. Sometimes there are human and machine errors, so give the supplier the benefit of doubt from the beginning. If it seems that the so-called "errors" often happens, it's time to explore! The last thing you want is wrongly accuse the provider of health services, so be sure to approach suspected fraud Medicare with caution.

Before reporting a provider

Before the report provider for Medicare fraud, make sure that you have all the facts. You need all the relevant information about the vendor in the name, phone number, address, type of practice, etc. Also, you must collect all the facts concerning events so you can clearly demonstrate its case. Write or type a detailed timeline of events, or services, which have been billed incorrectly, the date when this occurred, and any other relevant information.

Preventive measures

If you encounter a situation where it should be or to have fallen victim to Medicare fraud, report it to local and State representatives of Medicare. In addition, take the following steps to prevent this from happening to you:

1. never give anyone the Medicare card, or a number that is not the caregiver or physician complaints.

2. Beware of those who wish to review medical records, when they do not provide medical services to you.

3. Beware of "free" consultation and Medicare services offered by the clinic or doctor.

4. Never request medical services, which is not actually necessary.

5. Beware of suppliers offering to get Medicare to pay for services or items, which typically are not covered by Medicare.

Above all, follow your instincts. If the situation does not seem right, investigate to find answers. You or Your may be safe to Medicare fraud if you use caution when each medical situation. It should be borne in mind that the criminals do not always come in dark clothing with masks on their faces. Those who commit fraud may seem normal maintainers or doctors, Medicare so keep their guard up any time you provide personal information such as Medicare.

Use this knowledge to fight Medicare fraud and help America to stay healthy!

Medicare consumer guide was created by Jimmy Ellis to help his friends and family understand the health care system Medicare, Medicare policies and particularly the new Medicare Part d plan. After extensive research to find the most helpful information on Medicare, consumer guide to Medicare was created.

