2011年3月23日 星期三

Why do I need Medicare supplemental insurance

According to Merriam-Webster something is supplementary is something what supplements, or "completes or makes and adding" to something that is missing. Medicare supplemental insurance deals with exactly that. This will end, lacking insurance offered by Medicare.

If you are turning 65 or if you have been disabled for 24 months (receiving disability benefits from social security), is likely to be eligible for Medicare (Government-run health insurance program for people with disabilities and the elderly). The Problem is, Medicare does not pay all the costs of health care. Here are some of the costs not covered by original Medicare (Medicare alone):

1. part A deductible

In the 2010 deductible for Medicare Part A (hospital in-patient insurance) is $ 1100. This deduction shall apply to any "benefit period", which is 60 days in length. Here's an example:

Martha had Medicare supplemental insurance and had to go to the hospital for four days, because it was having some chest pains and her Doctor wants to perform a procedure to remove some arterial blockage. Before any bills are paid, Martha had to pay $ 1,100 as a deduction.

61 days after Martha was any, was to return to the hospital for separate horses. Because of its 60-day period, the benefits have already expired, had to pay another deduction of $ 1100.

2. the Part B deductible

Deduction of part (b) shall apply to expenditure "out-patient services" (such as a visit with your doctor). This deduction is 155 $ per year. Since Martha Saw her Doctor before admitted to the hospital, a hospital, was also to pay the deductible, plus 20% of the fees for her doctor. Dr. Martha ordered some tests such as MRI and ECE. When he's like what he saw, he sent Her to see cardiologist. Also have to pay 20% of its fees.

3. Part B Coinsurance

Medicare is really the 80/20 plan. This means that Medicare pays 80% of patients and pay 20%. In this case, Martha had to pay 20% of medical bills (including specialists she saw) and 20% of the costs for many diagnostic tests such as MRI received before she was any.

In the case of Martha its total invoice for this incident over was $ 2400, because it does not have a complementary insurance. If Martha had Medicare supplemental insurance and Medicare Supplement Plan F, specifically, she would not have to pay for any of these costs. With the exception of the part b premium ($ 110.50 per month in 2010), and its contributions to Supplement Medicare (in the case of Martha, would be $ 154 per month), all deductibles and co-insurance Martha would have been paid by the insurance company.

What is exactly what additional insurance is Medicare, which pays for what is missing in original Medicare.

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